By using 22.000 tons of beverage bottles p. a. as the only raw material for our egg packs we help to reduce plastic waste. Our egg packs made from 100% recycled PET have the lowest CO₂ emissions as well as the lowest water and energy consumption compared to all other materials used for making egg packs. We recycle your waste – worldwide!


First we remove the bottle’s caps and labels, then we clean and shred them. This is how we gain different flakes that are finally matched up to colors. Of course our production sites use electricity from renewable sources. 


Next, flakes are heated until they melt, so they can be pressed (“extruded”) into a continuous thin film which is now ready for forming and cutting out our r-PET egg packs. Also this production stage operates with electricity from renewable sources. 


Perfect shape, light weight – and as a result 60% more packs fitting into one truck. Additionally our r-PET egg packs contribute in minimizing food waste (more than 100 million tons of food are wasted in Europe every year): If only two out of 100 eggs break, then the environmental impact is already as high as the impact of total packaging for 100 eggs. Ovotherm r-PET egg packs offer optimal protection of fragile eggs and thereby helps us in two respects: reducing food waste and the environmental footprint.


Our egg packs are produced 100% out of recycled post-consumer PET material and thereby are 100% recyclable. All the leftovers from the production process are reused within the process immediately. And to keep it short: 100 Million eggs packed in r-PET instead of Pulp reduce CO₂ emissions by 410 tons – this is equivalent to 2.6 million km driven by a car.

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